Matt Fradd
Books • Spirituality/Belief • Writing
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Question for Floridians …

I’ll be visiting Florida soon. Which has a better Catholic community (and why?): Jacksonville, or Saint Augustine?

Happy 4th, BTW

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June 24, 2024
We have been invaded by a government drone.
My view in Assisi right now
Love and Responsibility Course Episode 3
Simple NEW Lofi Song

Working on an entire album of lofi music. Here's one of those songs. Album should drop next week. THEN, a couple of weeks after that we hope to have our 24/7 stream up and running.

Simple NEW Lofi Song
December 01, 2022
Day 5 of Advent


In their eagerness to proclaim the unity of God and man in Christ, some heretics went to the opposite extreme and taught that not only was there one person, but also a single nature, in God and man. This error took its rise from Arius. To defend his position that those scriptural passages where Christ is represented as being inferior to the Father, must refer to the Son of God Himself, regarded in His assuming nature, Arius taught that in Christ there is no other soul than the Word of God who, he maintained, took the place of the soul in Christ’s body. Thus when Christ says, in John 14:28, “The Father is greater than I,” or when He is introduced as praying or as being sad, such matters are to be referred to the very nature of the Son of God. If this were so, the union of God’s Son with man would be effected not only in the person, but also in the nature. For, as we know, the unity of human nature arises from the union of soul and body.


Day 5 of Advent
November 27, 2022
Day 1 of Advent


We indicated above that the reparation of human nature could not be effected either by Adam or by any other purely human being. For no individual man ever occupied a position of pre-eminence over the whole of nature; nor can any mere man be the cause of grace. The same reasoning shows that not even an angel could be the author of man’s restoration. An angel cannot be the cause of grace, just as he cannot be man’s recompense with regard to the ultimate perfection of beatitude, to which man was to be recalled. In this matter of beatitude angels and men are on a footing of equality. Nothing remains, therefore, but that such restoration could be effected by God alone.

But if God had decided to restore man solely by an act of His will and power, the order of divine justice would not have been observed. justice demands satisfaction for sin. But God cannot render satisfaction, just as He cannot merit. Such a service pertains to one who ...

Day 1 of Advent

@Thrsdy Have y'all thought about putting the videos on Rumble again or here on Locals in addition to YouTube? I'm not sure if I am the only one but I've been trying to cut YouTube and other google products out of my daily life. I know that the videos used to be put on Rumble but stopped. I appreciate what y'all have done and brought many people to the faith and I think that this could help reach more people. Thank you!

I about to head off to a job interview, so if anyone happens to be in prayer and reflection mode and can spare a little prayer my daughter and I, would be super appreciative.
I feel this communities prayers helped me with a number of small miracles in the past, and whilst many struggles remain, I feel much more at peace and know that God is with me.
Thank-you everyone, God bless you all

If this is too much then I fully understand it being deleted by any kind of moderator, but I was inspired by @Matt_Fradd’s comments on past episodes. Found this today specifically trying to use love of Christ to draw people away from Christianity and thought this was the only appropriate action

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Are American Catholics Too Patriotic?

Some people find Americans' displays of patriotism surprising—from flying the flag in front of their homes to placing their hands over their hearts for the National Anthem.

This level of patriotism may be questioned by Catholics, in particular, for being excessive. After all, the U.S. still allows abortion, gay “marriage,” and other assaults on human dignity.

The Church does teach that patriotism is a virtue. But just like any other virtue, it can be taken to an extreme.

Here’s what authentic patriotism really looks like.

Patriotism is not nationalism.
The true patriot loves their nation and the people that live there. They rightfully prioritize their nation’s good before other countries the same way one looks after their family before tending to the needs of other people.

In his book “Memory and Identity,” Pope St. John Paul II talks about this connection between one’s nation and family:

“Nation and native land, like the family, are permanent realities. In this regard, Catholic social doctrine speaks of “natural” societies, indicating that both the family and the nation have a particular bond with human nature, which has a social dimension. Every society’s formation takes place in and through the family: of this there can be no doubt. Yet something similar could also be said about the nation.”

Yet patriotism excludes hatred of other nations and refuses to divinize the state. In fact, true love of country sometimes requires one to oppose their government if it assaults human dignity and undermines the common good.

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Galileo and the Catholic Church Got in a Fight. Here’s Why.

Whenever secularists claim that the Catholic Church is anti-science, they usually bring up the infamous case of the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564–1642). Supposedly, the Church condemned and tortured Galileo for suggesting that the Earth and other planets go around the sun (heliocentrism). Many scientists at the time thought that the sun went around the earth (geocentrism).

It’s true that Galileo and the Church ran into conflict, but the story is more complicated than current retellings suggest.

At the time there were scientific arguments against heliocentrism.

Galileo struggled to prove heliocentrism, but pressured everyone to accept it. The Church and many scientists were more cautious.

Galileo’s challengers noted that if heliocentrism were true, we should see parallax shifts in the stars’ positions, but we don’t. (A parallax is when it looks like something you’re observing has moved when really you were the one who moved.) Galileo failed to respond to this challenge.

Further, Galileo claimed that the ocean’s waves were caused by the movement of the Earth. Scholars found this argument ridiculous.

Galileo mocked the Pope.

Pope Urban VII was actually open to Galileo’s ideas, but he urged caution since the scientist had so much riding against him. He gave Galileo permission to write a book where characters discuss the pros and cons of the geocentric and heliocentric models of the universe.

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Catholics, Stop Turning on Each Other!

We’re used to being dogmatic. After all, the Church has laid out truths we must believe — truths we should be willing to die for.

But this doesn’t mean everything is a dogma.

In fact, there is still a wide range of opinions — even theological ones — that the Church hasn’t officially decided on.

"Don't demand uniformity where the Church allows diversity of opinion and custom."

Bishop Edward Malesic of Cleveland, Ohio, has a great saying: “Color within the lines.” He means that there are boundaries of belief and practice that Catholics shouldn’t cross. However, within those lines, there’s a lot of room for diverse opinions, devotions, and personalities.

There’s room for Dorothy Days, Flannery O’Conners, Fulton J. Sheens, and Óscar Romeros. There’s space to do or think things that haven’t been done or thought of before. For example, some of St. Thomas Aquinas’ ideas were radical in his time, but they still grew from within the boundaries of the faith.

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