And with Roe v. Wade being overturned, many liberals are focusing their vile words and actions on the Catholic Church.
Maybe you’ve already fallen out with someone dear to you over your defense of the unborn or other controversial Catholic beliefs.
It’s a horrible feeling. What should you do if these people continue to shun you?
A popular stereotype of Catholics is that we love shunning anyone different from us. And we’ve been made to feel guilty about this. Maybe you’ve been called “intolerant” or “bigot” by your liberal friends.
While it’s true we may avoid things such as attending same-sex weddings, we can hardly be said to be worse than liberals themselves. Seriously, have you not noticed how much modern liberals love canceling and shunning anything that doesn’t completely bow to their dogmas?
Liberals have even turned on their own: Bill Maher and J.K. Rowling are two recent examples of prominent liberals who have faced the wrath of the new Left because they dare challenge aspects of the Leftist narrative.
Don’t feel like you’re some kind of holier-than-thou alien because you stick to your beliefs. Liberals do the same. They preach tolerance, but many don’t practice it themselves.
2. Don’t become obnoxious yourself
Of course, there’s always the risk that you’ll try to boost your ego to hide the hurt of being shunned. Focusing on how much “holier” you are than your liberal friends can make you feel better about yourself — for a bit.
But humility remains the key to both happiness and getting to heaven. Yes, being humble means you may suffer from mockery. But you’ll gain nothing by becoming an obnoxious shunner yourself.