Matt Fradd
Books • Spirituality/Belief • Writing
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Spiritual Direction - Is This the Dark Night of the Soul?

Trying to make sense of some dryness or even some desolation? Learn about the "dark night of the soul" and what God might be doing in your spiritual life.

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October 11, 2024
What Will Heaven Be Like? (Fr. Gregory Pine)

Fr Gregory Pine discusses what Heaven will be like.

October 07, 2024
How Cool is This? (Intro Animation)

Josiah threw this intro together for our long form interviews. I think it's great. Tell Josiah he's cool in the comment section.

September 20, 2024
Spiritual Direction w/ Fr. Pine - God Doesn't NEED You, He Loves You!

If you're new to Locals,

you should know that once a month we release an exclusive video by Fr. Gregory Pine in which he discusses the spiritual life. You can think of this as spiritual direction with Fr. Pine. available ONLY to Locals supporters.

Thank you!

Simple NEW Lofi Song

Working on an entire album of lofi music. Here's one of those songs. Album should drop next week. THEN, a couple of weeks after that we hope to have our 24/7 stream up and running.

Simple NEW Lofi Song
December 01, 2022
Day 5 of Advent


In their eagerness to proclaim the unity of God and man in Christ, some heretics went to the opposite extreme and taught that not only was there one person, but also a single nature, in God and man. This error took its rise from Arius. To defend his position that those scriptural passages where Christ is represented as being inferior to the Father, must refer to the Son of God Himself, regarded in His assuming nature, Arius taught that in Christ there is no other soul than the Word of God who, he maintained, took the place of the soul in Christ’s body. Thus when Christ says, in John 14:28, “The Father is greater than I,” or when He is introduced as praying or as being sad, such matters are to be referred to the very nature of the Son of God. If this were so, the union of God’s Son with man would be effected not only in the person, but also in the nature. For, as we know, the unity of human nature arises from the union of soul and body.


Day 5 of Advent
November 27, 2022
Day 1 of Advent


We indicated above that the reparation of human nature could not be effected either by Adam or by any other purely human being. For no individual man ever occupied a position of pre-eminence over the whole of nature; nor can any mere man be the cause of grace. The same reasoning shows that not even an angel could be the author of man’s restoration. An angel cannot be the cause of grace, just as he cannot be man’s recompense with regard to the ultimate perfection of beatitude, to which man was to be recalled. In this matter of beatitude angels and men are on a footing of equality. Nothing remains, therefore, but that such restoration could be effected by God alone.

But if God had decided to restore man solely by an act of His will and power, the order of divine justice would not have been observed. justice demands satisfaction for sin. But God cannot render satisfaction, just as He cannot merit. Such a service pertains to one who ...

Day 1 of Advent

It is Day 6 of Ezra's Novena for healing. Today is a simple update. After having his oxygen at 1.5 L yesterday, he started breathing fast. The nurses raised his oxygen to 3 L so that he didn't have to work so hard. Today, his oxygen is back down to 2 L.
When we walked in, we found him swaddled, and he had pulled his canula out of his nose. He was holding his stats well despite this, so we were encouraged by that. (Lindsay Elizabeth Walton)

If he continues to do well, we will try to establish mouth feeding with a bottle today. That is our next big step!

We are looking forward to bringing him home. Yesterday was hard emotionally since he was going through withdrawal from his pain medication. So far he seems much more relaxed today. 🙏 ❤️

Join Ezra's prayer campaign here:

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It is Day 5 of Ezra's Novena for healing, and he is receiving rapid healing! ❤️

Overnight, he came off breathing assistance and is now on a nasal canula that is providing 1.5 L of oxygen. The oxygen is now only available to him, but he is taking breathes on his own. 😀

In the next 24 hours or so, he may be able to try and take a bottle. If he drinks his bottle well, then he will be able to attempt breastfeeding after a time. Bottles are given first because it is easier to control the flow of the milk.

This all means that Lindsay Elizabeth Walton may be able to stay with Ezra in the hospital starting tomorrow or Saturday to feed him! ❤️

Thank you all for your amazing support and prayers!!! God is good!

Link to Ezra's prayer campaign:

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If anybody would be willing to send any prayers of protection my way, that would be great. I’m involved in a situation on my university campus where multiple people have been harassed and the individual harassing is a potential serious threat. We are in the process of trying to solve the situation. Please pray for all those involved. Thank you!

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How Traditional Catholics Must Respond to Latin Mass Restrictions

In 2021, Pope Francis released a decree, Traditionis Custodes, which put restrictions on the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass. Traditional Catholics worldwide were heartbroken. Under Pope Benedict XVI, greater freedom was allowed for the celebration of the beautiful ancient liturgy and new Latin Mass communities sprung up worldwide.

Now that progress has slowed and even reversed in certain cities. While some Traditional Catholics are still blessed to have a Traditional Latin Mass community nearby, many others don’t.

How are we to respond to Pope Francis’ decree?

Hold your anger in check.
Charity must reign supreme. If you let your anger consume you, you’re at risk of crossing dangerous boundaries. We see this with certain individuals and groups whose anger has brought them to the brink of schism.

We’re not saying anger is never warranted. But, so often, it does us more harm than good. As our friend Joseph Pearce said, “The only person I trust to turn over the tables in the temple is Jesus Christ.” If we lose charity, we’re on the wrong side even if we’re saying the right things.

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October 17, 2024
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The Surprising Connection Between What You Eat and Porn Temptation

Recently, I interviewed Mike Pantille, and we got to talking about overcoming pornography. During our conversation, he brought up something that I bet a lot of people haven’t heard before: the role a good diet plays in fighting temptation. It’s one of those ideas that might not be on everyone’s radar, but it’s worth digging into. So, let’s break it down and see how eating well can actually help in the battle against pornography.

The Dopamine Connection

Let’s start with your brain’s reward system, which runs on a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for that feeling of pleasure and satisfaction you get when you experience something enjoyable, like eating tasty food or looking at stimulating content. The problem is, when you constantly overindulge—whether it’s with junk food or pornography—you’re spiking your dopamine levels, which puts your brain in a cycle of chasing that next quick hit.

When you’re eating poorly, your dopamine system is constantly overstimulated, and this leaves you more vulnerable to other impulsive behaviors. If your brain is already wired to crave instant pleasure from your diet, it’s more likely to seek the same thing from pornography. On the flip side, a healthy diet helps stabilize your dopamine response. You’re not flooding your brain with highs and lows, so those impulsive urges become less intense and easier to manage.

Mood Stability is Key

What we put into our bodies affects how we feel, and your mood is a big factor when it comes to dealing with temptation. If you’re eating poorly, you’re more likely to experience mood swings, irritability, and even anxiety—all things that can drive you toward unhealthy coping mechanisms. When stress hits or you’re feeling down, that’s often when the temptation to turn to pornography creeps in.

A balanced diet helps regulate your mood, making it easier to handle life’s ups and downs without falling into old habits. When you’re emotionally stable, you’re better equipped to face challenges head-on, instead of reaching for quick fixes like pornography.

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The Dangers of Liturgy Shopping

We all love shopping for something — yes, even you fellas! It may be clothes, books, outdoor gear, whatever.

In fact, our culture has gotten to the point where we’ve turned everything into a shopping experience.

Dating apps present you with hundreds of potential significant others, allowing you to filter the results according to your (mostly trivial) tastes. The rise in virtual work has led to “state shopping”: the ability to choose which state you live and work from home in.

Even our holiest act of worship, the liturgy, hasn’t escaped this trend. Many people join parishes and suffer from buyer's remorse when the priest’s homily consists of little more than throwing a beach ball to the congregation to symbolize how “connected” we all are. They decide to search around for another parish, often discovering the Traditional Latin Mass or Byzantine Divine Liturgy.

It’s a common story these days. But should we be shopping for a liturgy that suits us or stay where we are?

Here are some thoughts to help you decide.

It’s okay to leave your current parish.
If you want to change parishes to grow spiritually and have better options nearby, you shouldn't feel obliged to stay where the people are irreverent, the homilies are sloppy, and the music is unbecoming.

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