Matt Fradd
Books • Spirituality/Belief • Writing
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I was given the book "Stretching the Family Income" by Robert and Helen Cissell, 1953. It appears it may be Catholic, as already in the introduction they speak of God, morals, Christian values, not limiting your family size, and they quote Aquinas.

Very timely to be given this book when I have quit all but one house cleaning client.

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September 20, 2024
Spiritual Direction w/ Fr. Pine - God Doesn't NEED You, He Loves You!

If you're new to Locals,

you should know that once a month we release an exclusive video by Fr. Gregory Pine in which he discusses the spiritual life. You can think of this as spiritual direction with Fr. Pine. available ONLY to Locals supporters.

Thank you!

We have been invaded by a government drone.
My view in Assisi right now
Simple NEW Lofi Song

Working on an entire album of lofi music. Here's one of those songs. Album should drop next week. THEN, a couple of weeks after that we hope to have our 24/7 stream up and running.

Simple NEW Lofi Song
December 01, 2022
Day 5 of Advent


In their eagerness to proclaim the unity of God and man in Christ, some heretics went to the opposite extreme and taught that not only was there one person, but also a single nature, in God and man. This error took its rise from Arius. To defend his position that those scriptural passages where Christ is represented as being inferior to the Father, must refer to the Son of God Himself, regarded in His assuming nature, Arius taught that in Christ there is no other soul than the Word of God who, he maintained, took the place of the soul in Christ’s body. Thus when Christ says, in John 14:28, “The Father is greater than I,” or when He is introduced as praying or as being sad, such matters are to be referred to the very nature of the Son of God. If this were so, the union of God’s Son with man would be effected not only in the person, but also in the nature. For, as we know, the unity of human nature arises from the union of soul and body.


Day 5 of Advent
November 27, 2022
Day 1 of Advent


We indicated above that the reparation of human nature could not be effected either by Adam or by any other purely human being. For no individual man ever occupied a position of pre-eminence over the whole of nature; nor can any mere man be the cause of grace. The same reasoning shows that not even an angel could be the author of man’s restoration. An angel cannot be the cause of grace, just as he cannot be man’s recompense with regard to the ultimate perfection of beatitude, to which man was to be recalled. In this matter of beatitude angels and men are on a footing of equality. Nothing remains, therefore, but that such restoration could be effected by God alone.

But if God had decided to restore man solely by an act of His will and power, the order of divine justice would not have been observed. justice demands satisfaction for sin. But God cannot render satisfaction, just as He cannot merit. Such a service pertains to one who ...

Day 1 of Advent
Meme Monday

Took this photo a few days ago.

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Wonderful saint today! Saint Therese of Lisieux has a special place in my heart.

Quote of the Day
"A word or a smile is often enough to put fresh life in a despondent soul."
St. Therese of Lisieux

Today's Meditation
“Prayer, for me, is simply a raising of the heart, a simple glance towards Heaven, an expression of love and gratitude in the midst of trial, as well as in times of joy; in a word, it is something noble and supernatural expanding my soul and uniting it to God. Whenever my soul is so dry that I am incapable of a single good thought, I always say an Our Father or a Hail Mary very slowly, and these prayers alone cheer me up and nourish my soul with divine food.”
—St. Therese of Lisieux, p. 141

Daily Verse
"I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good ...

I was late for meme Mondays but here is what I got

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4 Genius Memory Hacks from St. Thomas Aquinas That Will Change How You Learn

St. Thomas Aquinas wrote about memory in his Summa Theologiae, particularly in the section on the virtues associated with prudence. He regarded memory as an essential tool for practical wisdom, as it allows one to apply past experiences to present situations.

Aquinas believed that memory can be strengthened through specific techniques. He borrowed ideas from the Ad Herennium, a classical text on rhetoric, and he recommended the following methods:

1. Order: Aquinas emphasized structuring and organizing material in a logical order. This could involve breaking up complex information into smaller parts or placing items in a sequence that is easy to recall.

2. Association with images: He suggested associating ideas with vivid, often unusual or strange images, because such imagery makes information more memorable. The more striking or emotionally charged the image, the easier it is to recall.

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Are Some Prayers Better Than Others?

Prayer is central to our lives of faith. There are many types of established prayers, such as the Hail Mary and Glory Be. Then there are prayers we make up on the spot when in more casual conversation with God, like this one: Jesus, help me keep my cool with this irritating person.

Some of us pray for a few minutes each day, while others devote hours to it.

This might make you wonder if certain prayers are better — more meritorious — than others. After all, you probably would shy away from claiming that your conversations with God are on the level of, say, St. Teresa of Avila.

Here are some things to keep in mind.

We are all precious to God.
God loves each of us with the self-same act of love. In other words, God is supremely simple. He is not composed of parts, as material beings are. He is identical to His love, and so when He loves us, He gives Himself to us.

He loves us as a Father. As children, we turn to Him with hope, love, and the expectation that He wants to give us good things. Our prayers are precious to Him not because He needs them but because He delights in receiving them.

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When the Orthodox Believed in Papal Authority

While the Eastern Orthodox Church gives a certain honor to the Roman Catholic pope, they don’t see him as having ultimate authority over the Church. However, there was a time in early Church history when many of the Eastern Orthodox’s spiritual forbearers did accept papal primacy: through the 6th-century Formula of Pope St. Hormisdas.

After the Council of Chalcedon concluded in 451, a schism arose in the Eastern Church. Some bishops — including those from Constantinople — strayed from the council’s teachings.

For them to be reconciled to the Catholic Church, they had to sign Pope Hormisdas’ formula, wherein he taught papal supremacy. Many Eastern bishops of the 6th century did so, signaling their agreement. (Modern Eastern Orthodox members reject this belief.)

The formula states:

“The first condition of salvation is to keep the norm of the true faith and in no way to deviate from the established doctrine of the Fathers.

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